Norton Library Park Concert - The Unlikely Strummers - July 25th at 7 PM

Event Date: 
Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 7:00pm

Join us Tuesday, July 25th at 7 PM as we celebrate summer with a concert from The Unlikely Strummers! 

The Unlikely Strummers are a big rollicking group of ukulele players that came into being in the summer of 2017 when their informal strum group was invited to play at a local farmers' market.  Since then, they've expanded in numbers and performed for events throughout southern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, from Boston Harborfest to private parties. In 2019, they won the New England Battle of the Ukulele Bands, and their fundraising for the Ukulele Kids Club (and all the hijinks that ensue) has been featured on ABC's Chronicle, Providence NBC-10, WBZ News, and Ukulele Magazine.

Bring blankets and chairs as we jam out in the Library Park. All summer concerts are free and open to the public, rain or shine. Concerts will be held in the library community room if the weather is not cooperative. All ages are welcome.

Sponsored by the Friends of Norton Public Library.